Monday, May 12, 2014

Vivid emotions and their world

The title seems weird,but the post will explain.
Emotions are the driving force for anybody. Our power to love and hate is what distinguishes us from trees. Emotions allow us to connect to the world around us and feel what our heart says.

Emotions are powerful but they are unique to everybody. Emotional responses vary from person to person but sometimes this leads to problems.

I once read about an article about amplified emotional responses. The category of people who aren't exposed to a lot of different emotional scenarios or are generally hyperactive (like me) tend to have vivid emotional responses to situations which may seem normal to other people.

Now, these responses aren't really targeted to be sharper. The first analysis that brain does of the situation puts the situation in a much higher frame than it may actually be. The brain also tends to overthink and overanalyse the situation which leads to sharper responses.

Imagination also leads to contributing to this phenomenon.We tend to imagine things that aren't really true for the situation. Imagining things that aren't there doesn't help.

Sharper emotions have their benefits too.we tend to be happier for small things and that makes the world happier.

The main problem is that sharper emotions can be misinterpreted. Interpreting it as over sensitivity is the worst thing that you can do to an emotionally vivid person. Not anyone's fault,but this happens.

If a person is happy just because your earrings look good today, don't judge him as a weird personality. Chances are that he may actually be happy about it but fails to express. Also, if he is hyperactive, he is probably trying to find something to say about your earrings, but fails to find it.

Dedicated to my hyper friends,

