Tuesday, April 22, 2014


An interesting article I recently read about happiness and success.


That lead me to start thinking and wondering what is it that defines happiness for us, what is it that allows us to be truly happy about our work, our success and believe that we do fulfilling work.

The route to happiness is contentment. The route to contentment is hard work. The route to hard work is passion.

I have seen many a brilliant persons. Full of brains,they ensure that the thing they are tackling is given full justice and it turns out to be as brilliant as it can be. They work day and night, and are so engrossed into their work that they tend to ignore the world around them.

What drives them? Is it money? Fame? I doubt that.

An article I read years ago said that to be a successful person, you need to love what you do. Cliche, I know, but please bear with me. The article said that it should be the case not only because you will work hard, but also because you will not be distracted by the money, fame that will eventually follow.

A very senior open source developer I was recently talking to made a very important point. He said that money is important, no doubt but the reason human beings live is to have that fulfilling feeling at the ends of their lives.

Is money that feeling? If you say yes, sure, but I would advice to look inside again.

The best thing about your work is your craft. The beauty of building something that holds value. Sure, you will need to do some mundane work that shall be necessary in order to fulfill your bills, but what matters is what you are doing for the majority of your time.

For the free spirited (and more towards the rebellious side, like me), the rules and structure on top of your work is like someone physically strangulating you. You tell the craftsman *what* to build, then trust his capabilities and good judgment to come up with a beautiful product, but this is applicable only when the craftsman is ready to believe in his capabilities, and in the beauty of his art.

When you feel you are not content with life, stop blaming the world. Look at yourself, and if you dont see the craftsman, you are doing it wrong.

The way of the craftsman is to pursue the excellence of his art, the excellence of his skills, and the excellence of his personality. Sure, the family he has is his primary responsibility, but beyond it, he must honour the craft he calls his own.

And walk towards the goal of the master. And be the master.



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